
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Finding Time Part II

Hi all :) I know I kind of digressed yesterday in terms of what I normally write about on this blog, so I'm sorry for that! I just really liked the story about the philosophy professor. Anyway, back to other matters. Sometimes in our hectic world. it's hard to find time to do a lot of things that we want to. Sometimes a lot of important things fall through the cracks, so this post is about several tried and true methods of making time to find several little windows of opportunity to keep those creative juices flowing. So let's go :)

Sometimes our day move so fast and so furious, we don't have time to do a lot of the things that we want to. When it comes to writing and stories, you don't always need a large amount of time to do so. When we add up the spare time that we have in our days (in ten and fifteen minute intervals), it actually totals out to a respectable amount of time. The best piece of advice I have for any writer is to bring along a notepad and writing implement (or if you're technologically inclined, a writing app on your smartphone, iPod or any other i-appliance). Whenever you have a spare moment or are randomly hit by inspiration, make a short note. write down a sentence or two, if you suddenly think of a plot line, an interesting character, a neat setting or a crazy plot twist, make a note/ Writing down your brief ideas and inspirations will really help you as a writer, because you can always change your ideas but you can't always re-remember them. Just having writing implements on the go makes a few spare moments into several rich opportunities for recording ideas.
A second suggestion for making time to write is to remember to give time to yourself. It is excruciatingly difficult to try and write while you're stressed and busy. It is imperative to make time for yourself if you want to produce good writing. Taking time to exercise your mind and body clears your mind of all sorts of unnecessary details and lets your creative ideas flow better. Take time to relax and breathe, stretch and give yourself a little snack. Good writing is tied into your lifestyle and only if you are healthy in the mind and body can you be healthy in the creative writing. Agree or disagree, like or dislike, just let me know! Thanks :)

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