
Friday, August 2, 2013

An Ode To Love

Hey guys, so recently I've been posting up some pretty heavy material, so I decided that today I would take a break from being on my soapbox about society's many flaws, and post a happier poem for a change. This poem, "An Ode To Love" is pretty self explanatory. It describes the love that a girl feels from her lover. Love was always a big part of my life, and yes, like all my poems, this one was written from experience. I had a bad history with love before (haven't we all?) but my newest (and I hope last) love has shown me that there's a lot in the world to be thankful for, and the sky truly is the limit when it comes to showing how you feel about someone. It's thanks to him that I don't hate how I look, that I've stopped cutting and that I've learned to truly love who I am. To me, what's important to remember about love is that you are no longer solely affected by your decisions. Someone else will be too. :)

An Ode to Love

A night lit by stars, celestial bodies of light
But Sirius dims in comparison to your eyes,
For they gaze into mine, with gentleness
Not full of lust, but tenderness.
The touch of your hand upon mine
Sets my pulse fluttering
And brings the rosy blush to my cheeks.
Heat suffuses my being
As we steal a kiss beneath the crescent moon
Where only the skies see and know.

Our days full of golden sunshine and gray skies alike
Laughter rings like water lapping at our feet
As we share secrets in the serene bosom of twilight
Yet another thing we share between the two of us
The cold metal spoon filled with the sweetest cream
Tantalizes and teases my tongue
As you insist upon me eating
Taking the task upon yourself when I refuse

It’s been months since we first fell in love
But you can still give me butterflies
Delightful palpitations in the pit of my stomach
Your touch my face with one finger
Laughing at my chubby cheeks
But insist you love me for my flaws.

Your hands, callused but gentle
Flow over the ebony and ivory keys.
A song you composed for me
It’s strange how sound not words
Can bespeak the feelings
That kindle in our hearts
Those same hands wield with precision
The smooth pen that sires the crimson rose
Each midnight line traced over the ivory paper
In turn inscribes itself in my being
With words of fire

Moments of joy captured in a still shot
Plastered upon dormitory walls
Above the single carmine rose
Filled with pearls of silver
Petals fanned open to embrace me

As you do from afar.

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