
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Writer's Block

Sorry I didn't post yesterday guys! My laptop decided to take a hiatus from working so while I'm getting that sorted out, I'm typing on an external keyboard  :P Anyway, enough with my troubles and onto a debatable topic in writing: Writer's Block. I once met someone who told me that Writer's Block was an excuse to be lazy and not write. Ignoring the fact that I almost lunged at said person, I thought about what they said. Writer's Block is basically a fancy way of saying "I have no inspiration whatsoever and I cannot write until I get my inspiration back." And lack of inspiration is not a hoax.

My opinion on Writer's Block is that sure, it exists but it is also not an excuse. Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms, and I personally find inspiration in all sorts of things: people I see on the street, music, landscapes and especially other stories. I'll talk more about how to find inspiration in my next post, but for now I'm focusing on Writer's Block.
My worst Writer's Block was in my sophomore and junior years of high school. I didn't write for almost the whole year on the basis that I could not think of what to write. While a lot of people do not like Writer's Block, for me it was actually a good thing. Putting down your writing and just letting it sit for awhile is often helpful as opposed to forcing your writing. For me, not having inspiration to write for a year really helped me because when I decided to edit what I was doing, I was able to see all sorts of things that I did wrong. Looking at your writing with fresh eyes is a definite benefit of lack of inspiration.
So to close, if you have Writer's Block, don't freak out, don't force it. Put your writing on the side and just let it sit. Look for new and different inspiration in music, people and other stories. Let inspiration come naturally, then look back on your work and fix the whole thing. Writer's Block isn't a bad thing, it's a mixed blessing. So, like, dislike, agree or disagree. Let me know in the comments below! :)

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