
Thursday, August 1, 2013


This next poem, called "X" addresses another societal issue that I feel strongly about. Cutting is something that has a social stigma, which I don't think it deserves. For those who are unaware or confused about cutting, it's not something that just "emo" kids do. Some people cut to punish themselves, some to make emotional or mental pain become physical and others because they feel alone or lost. I feel like cutting has an enormous stigma which it doesn't deserve. I am in no way encouraging cutting, it endangers not only the person afflicted but others around them. Please enjoy this poem, which gives a new perspective on this stigma. As always if you know someone who has this problem, comfort them, help them and let them know they're loved. Please feel free to leave comments :)


Her name is X
And this is her story.

The blade hangs suspended in the air
Its serrated edge reflecting the harsh light
From the naked fluorescent bulb.
Her arms are pale and bleached
In the blinding white light
But on the belly of her smooth forearm
Dark scars crisscross one another
With the delicacy of spun sugar.

Everyone always went to her for help
Younger, older, boy, girl
Brother, sister, friend, enemy
She helped them all with problems
Never facing her own demons.
She would flee from her problems.
But she couldn’t run anymore
Because the monsters were inside.

Elbow to wrist, marked with lines
Inscribed upon her flesh by the razor blade.
Light green veins travel over the landscape of her arm
Like little brooks and streams
While her pounding pulse
Dictates the current.

He was angry with her again.
Shouting things at her, holding her arms too tightly
But it wasn’t her fault
She couldn’t always spend time with Him.
But He didn’t care.
It was always her fault to him.
He pushes her hard in the chest
She staggers backwards, hitting the windowpane
Glass shatters, exhaling a cloud of gritty rainbow colored dust into the air

The sharp edge of the blade touches her skin
Icy cold stainless steel against warm flesh
She shuts her eyes tightly
Her grip on the razor simultaneously tensing.
But she doesn’t fear the pain
The physical pain is her lesser evil.

She curls up on the floor
Arms hugging her knees to her chest
Futilely trying to stem the flow of agony.
Hands clutch her hair
In a mad delirious frenzy.
Why could she never do anything right?
Why was it always her fault?
Why was she always wrong?

The blade bites through her skin
Blood spurts, spotting the shining metal
The incision swells with blood
Momentarily held in by the flaps of skin
But her liquid life spills out of the slash in her arm
And trickles down her wrist and elbow
Splashing to the floor.

He was shouting again
Something about her cheating
But she didn’t cheat.
The boy she had talked to was her best friend
But now He wouldn’t let her talk to him anymore.
She wanted to get angry
But He crucified her
Waxing eloquent about how she had hurt Him
How she didn’t love Him anymore.
She begged Him
Telling Him it was her fault and she still loved Him.
He was placated
And reminded her never to talk to her best friend again.

Tears burn the back of her eyes
And she tries to fight them down
But they overwhelm her
And rush forward in a tide
As her wounds weep crimson
Real agony seeps from the corners of her closed eyes
A silvery pearlescent tear
Traces down her cheek, falls off her chin
And lands on her bleeding arms
Leaving a salty residue in its wake.

She leans against the wall
Desperately clutching the sides of her head.
She wants to die.
She wants to vanish and be forgotten.
The one who listens to everyone’s problems
Has no one to turn to.

Her name is X
And this was her story.
But not just her story
Knows someone

Like X. 

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