
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hey guys :) I decided to change things up a bit today, and instead of posting samples of writing, I was going to give my schpiel on creating stories, poems and just writing in general. For me, when writing stories, you can have the best plot ever, but if your characters stink, your story won't be good. Characters that people can relate to, sympathize with and understand are the most valuable characters.

When I write I enjoy writing in first person, because it gives a very unique perspective. A first person view is limited in such a way that the readers will only know what the character knows. The readers are also privy to that one character's every thought and feeling, and I believe that this allows readers to really sink into the book, to feel and see what the character feels and sees. One story that I've been working and fine-tuning for a very long time has been written in first person, third person and then first person again. Sometimes its restricting to write in first person, because you are always stuck in one place and time, that's why for me, I love switching perspectives.
In one of my stories, I write in the perspective of the primary female protagonist and then I switch views to the primary male protagonist. This switch allows me to rewrite the scene from the perspective of another character, and give a whole new look on the scene. This switching is unusual in most mainstream writing and requires a lot of patience to do, because you're essentially rewriting your entire scene again.
But that's my schpiel for today, hope you liked it, feel free to comment, agree, disagree or offer a new point of view! :)

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